Forum / contact :

Need information or advice to help you to make the best choice ?

Don't hesitate, let's call (33) 4 76 78 89 83, every days but Sunday (from 10 am till 12:30 am and from 2:30 pm till 7:30 pm), ask for Pat or for Benoit, english spoken of course.

We are also at your disposal by e-mail. Fill the form just below, our specialized crew will answer you personally before 24 hours.

Thank you !

Your message has just been passed on to us. We shall quickly answer.

Conversations's historic :

Marc Fey le 06/02/2016 (categorie Général)

Hello Francois Cogne Snowboard Shop,

Today I got the protective case for the phone.
Thank you for the quick delivery

You have a nice day and thank you for everything

Francoiscogne :

You're welcome Marc, sorry again about the wait.
Have a very great sunday too :)

Marc Fey le 02/02/2016 (categorie Général)

Hello Francoiscogne Snowboard Shop,

I got the jacket Picture "Eno" and want to keep them.
On the jacket but missing the case for the phone.

Could they deliver me?

Greetings Marc

Francoiscogne :

Hello Marc,

Sorry about this.
We've asked to Picture to send it to you directly.
They should look after it quickly, let us know when it will have been done.
Thank you & have a very great day :)

Neraudau le 01/02/2016 (categorie Général)

je suis passée en décembre à votre magasin faire du repérage pour l'achat d'un surf , fix, chaussures.
En tant que femme d'environ 45 ans et d'1.70 mètres,ayant déjà surfé un peu mais ne descendant pas encore les pistes les plus dures, je souhaiterai une planche stable, sans recherche de vitesse excessive. Juste pour le plaisir des sensations du surf.
Voila ce qui m'a été conseillé mais que je ne vois pas sur le site
planche: ARBOR"SWOON"149
fix:"LEXA" RFELEX(tailleL)
boots:BURTON"RITUAL" taille 11US(femme)
En considérant toutes ces données, auriez vous quelque chose a me proposer qui puisse convenir ou du moins se rapprocher de ces modèles?
je vous remercie pour toute l'attention que vous porter à ma demande.
Mme Neraudau
PS: j'ai fait ce genre de demande pour mon mari il y a quelques années pour un cadeau, Ce que vous m'aviez conseillé a parfaitement convenu et convient encore d'ailleurs...

Francoiscogne :


La Arbor Swoon n'est plus dispo, mais elle peut très bien être remplacée par la Jones Twin Sister en 149 qui présente les mêmes caractéristiques de board super polyvalente, confortable et légère.
Elle est actuellement en discount à 399€ (au lieu de 499).
Les fixs Burton Lexa (taille L à 179€) ou Union Legacy (taille M,169€) conviendraient très bien. Les 2 sont aussi techniques et confortables, c'est surtout une question esthétique avec la booard.
Pour les boots, êtes vous certaine de la pointure ??
Le 11 n'existe pas en femme, cela représente environ un 43. Quelle est votre taille en chaussures de ville ??

Pour les fixs et board, n'attendez pas, nous n'avons plus du tout de stock et avec les soldes tout part très vite.
Vous pouvez dores et déjà commander en ligne, payement sécurisé en 1 ou 3 fois, livraison 24h.
Merci et très bonne journée.

Marc Fey le 28/01/2016 (categorie Retour)

Hello Francoiscogne Snowboard Shop,

I have sent my order "FC-3287054" today back to you. Take over her return shipping charges (€ 16.99) send number 71.311567.8880? The article was too large and did not like it.
Alternatively, I ordered yesterday from you the Picture ENO jacket .

Can you take the money on my Paypal account?

Greeting Marc

Francoiscogne :

Hello Marc,

Your new order is going to be sent today. We will make the refund for the 1st one as soon as we'll receive it., no worries.
Thank you & have a great day.

Federica Zanoni le 20/01/2016 (categorie Vêtements Homme)

last week I received from you the order regarding Door 2 pant, colour picture vert, size M, for my boyfriend. Unfortunately the size M is too small so I would like to re-order the size L (I see on the website that is available).
How can I give you back the pant and receive the new size?
I have the original pack and also the pant has its fixed labels and of course he doesn't use it.
I hope that you can help me.
Waiting your kindly feedback.
Have a nice day.
Best regards

Francoiscogne :

Hello Federica,

The most speed and easy way is that you place an order for the L size, and send us back the M size (address top left on the invoice).
We will refund it when we'll receive the size M.
You can also send us back the M then we'll send you the L, but we have to wait to receive it.
Let us know what you prefer and if we have to save it for you.
Have a great day :)

Giuseppe Filosa le 13/01/2016 (categorie Général)


I wanted to confirm that the order (number 3217911) has been received

Otherwise I’ve tried the jacket and the size ordered (M) is too large for me and I would like to re-order the size S

How I can give you back the jacket and received the new size?

Unfortunately I don't have the original packing anymore, but the jacket has its fixed labels and of course I didn't use it.

Thanks in advance for helping me

Francoiscogne :

Hello Giuseppe,

We are very sorry but we don't have anymore the jacket camo yellow in size S.... It's sold out in PIcture factory as well.
You can send us the jacket back and ask for a refund or choose another item (let us know what you decide).
The address is :
Francois Cogne
38220 Vizille
Thank you & have a good evening.

Nico Boschetti le 11/01/2016 (categorie Général)

hello how can I change the payment method of my order ??

Francoiscogne :

Hello Nico,

We've canceled your first order. Now you can place a new one choosing the payment method you like.
Thank you & have a good evening.