Your purchase rewarded !!
Francoiscogne's loyalty card :
On each item,is corresponding a number of points (indicated on the presentation page, close to the price)
When you buy one or several items, you accumulate corresponding points (when reception of your payment).
The number of points which you possess is indicated during your browsing, up & right on each page.
As soon as you own 100 points, you receive your Loyalty Bonus holding out 10% discount (1).
These 10 % are to be used the day of your choice ( 2 ), on your first order realized this day there and on only.
Besides the Bonus Loyalty, the membership to your Loyalty card allows you to benefit from numerous privileges ( personalized discounts, private sales, flash offers, etc....
1: The number of points is put back to zero after every sending of Bonus Loyalty.
2: Not accumulative offer with other discount or other reduction coupon. Bonuses Loyalty are not accumulatives between them.